Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Information technology and democratic governance/ Joseph S. Nye Jr
  • Failure in the cybermarketplace of ideas/ Arthur Isak Applbaum-- James Madison on cyberdemocracy/ Dennis Thompson-- The impact of the Internet on civic life: an early assessment/ William A. Galston-- Revolution, what revolution? the Internet and U.S. elections, 1992--2000/ Pippa Norris-- Political campaigning on the Internet: business as usual?/ Elaine Ciulla Kamarck-- Catching voters in the web/ David C. King-- Toward a theory of federal bureaucracy for the twenty-first century/ Jane E. Fountain-- Information age governance: just the start of something big?/ Jerry Mechling--1tPower and interdependence in the information age/ Robert O. Kehane and Joseph S. Nye Jr.