Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Neuroscience and religion : brain, mind, self, and soul / Volney P. Gay
  • A conversation on neuroscience and religion / Volney P. Gay
  • Science, religion, and three shades of black boxes / Volney P. Gay
  • Neuroscience, theory of mind, and the status of human-level truth / Edward Slingerland
  • Downward causation and religion / Alicia Juarrero
  • Rapid advances in human brain-machine interfacing : ethical and social implications / Michael Bess
  • The neuroscience of religious experience: an introductory survey / Stephan Carlson
  • Actions, reasons, neurons, and causes / Jeffrey D. Schall
  • Human universals and human nature / Thomas A. Gregor
  • Religion, science, and cognition : explorations in pluralistic integration / Gary Jensen
  • The little divine machine : the soul/body problem revisited / John A. McCarthy
  • Looking forward : the question of brain, mind, self, and soul / Volney P. Gay.