Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Ways of becoming Arcadian : Arcadian foundation myths in the Mediterranean / Tanja S. Scheer
  • Pictorial foundation myths in Roman Asia Minor / Pascale Linant de Bellefonds
  • Myths, images, and the typology of identities in early Greek art / Tonio Hölscher
  • Herodotus and Persia / Erich S. Gruen
  • Embracing ambiguity in the world of Athens and Persia / Margaret Cool Root
  • "Manners makyth man" : diacritical drinking in Achaemenid Anatolia / Margaret C. Miller
  • Keeping up with the Persians : between cultural identity and Persianization in the Achaemenid period / Maria Brosius
  • The limits of Persianization : some reflections on cultural links in the Persian empire / Christopher Tuplin
  • The pity of war : representations of Gauls and Germans in Roman art / I.M. Ferris
  • Borealism : Caesar, Seneca, Tacitus, and the Roman discourse about the Germanic north / Christopher B. Krebs
  • Ethnicity in Roman portraiture / Elizabeth Bartman
  • Saving the barbarian / Greg Woolf
  • Surviving by the book : the language of the Greek Bible and Jewish identity / Tessa Rajak
  • Jewish identity at the limus : the earliest reception of the dura europos synagogue paintings / Steven Fine
  • Keeping the dead in their place : mortuary practices and Jewish cultural identity in Roman North Africa / Karen B. Stern
  • Egyptian" priests in Roman Italy / Molly Swetnam-Burland
  • Aegyptiaca in Rome : adventus and romanitas / Penelope J.E. Davies
  • On gods and earth : the Tophet and the construction of a new identity in Punic Carthage / Corinne Bonnet
  • The cultures of the Tophet : identification and identity in the Phoenician diaspora / Josephine Crawley Quinn
  • Pompeian identities : between Oscan, Samnite, Greek, Roman, and Punic / Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
  • Sharing new worlds : mixed identities around the Adriatic (sixth to fourth centuries B.C.E.) / Maria Cecilia D'Ercole
  • Contesting sacred space in Lebanese temples / Kevin Butcher
  • The self as other : performing humor in ancient Greek art / Ada Cohen
  • Attitudes toward provincial intellectuals in the Roman empire / Benjamin Isaac