Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The disappearance of philosophical theology in hermeneutic philosophy : historicizing and hermeneuticizing the philosophical idea of God / Ben Vedder
  • Rethinking God : Heidegger in the light of absolute nothing, Nishida in the shadow of onto-theology / John C. Maraldo
  • Light and shadows from the Heideggerian interpretation of the sacred / Emilio Brito
  • The work and complement of appearing / Jean-Yves Lacoste
  • Affective theology, theological affectivity / Adriaan Peperzak
  • Immanent transcendence as way to "God" : between Heidegger and Marion / Ignace Verhack
  • Derrida and Marion : two Husserlian revolutions / John D. Caputo
  • The universal in Jewish particularism : Benamozegh and Levinas / Richard A. Cohen
  • The kingdom and the Trinity / Kevin Hart
  • Ultimacy and conventionality in religious experience / Joseph S. O'Leary.