Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Expurgation and Bowdlerization in Hispanic traditional poetry / Samuel G. Armistead
  • Qué me siegue esta cebada! and other euphemistic metaphors in the Spanish ballad tradition / Sarah J. Portnoy
  • Between secular and sacred: the song of songs in the work of Abraham ibn Ezra / David A. Wacks
  • Poetry and desire: sexual and cultural temptation in the Hebrew Maqama tradition / Michelle M. Hamilton
  • "Ke adame filiolo alieno": three muwas̆s̆ahăt with the same kharja / Adriana Valencia and Shamma Boyarin
  • Wine and genre: Khamrĭyya in the Andalusĭ maqăma / Douglas C. Young
  • Romancing the past: two narrative examples of interfaith relations / Cristina Guardiola
  • Romanticizing the Moor in the sixteenth-century Spanish ballad / Mary B. Quinn
  • The legacy of the Thousand and One Nights in Argentina: translation, narrative and politics in Borges, Puig, Piglia / Sergio Waisman.