Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The transgression of the religious frontier : the case of Spaniards and Portuguese / Bartolomé Bennassar
  • Betrayals of the soul in Spanish blasphemy / Maureen Flynn
  • To annihilate sorcery and amend the Church : a new interpretation of Pedro Ciruelo's Reprobación de las supersticiones y hechicerías / Lu Ann Homza
  • Subversion and seduction : perceptions of the body in writings of religious women in Counter-Reformation Spain / Mary Elizabeth Perry
  • Apology and denigration of the eremitical body during the Spanish Golden Age / Alain Saint-Saëns
  • The ideology of breast-feeding : deconstructing Spanish medical texts concerning nursing women at the end of the eighteenth century / Joan Sherwood
  • The princess and the page : social transgression and marriage in the Spanish ballad Gerineldos / Anne J. Cruz
  • The exclusion of the feminine in the cultural discourse of the Golden Age : Juan Luis Vives and Fray Luis de León / Emilie Bergmann
  • Empress María and the making of political policy in the early years of Philip III's reign / Magdalena Sánchez.