Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: The Passion, the gospels, and the claims of history / Robert L. Webb and Kathleen E. Corley
  • pt. 1. The Passion as a film-viewing experience: responding to the film as a whole. Hymn to a savage God / John Dominic Crossan
  • The power of The Passion: reacting and over-reacting to Gibson's artistic vision / Mark Goodacre
  • pt. 2. The Passion as story: evaluating the film's characterization and plot. The flashbacks in The Passion: story and discourse as a means of explanation / Robert L. Webb
  • The betrayal of Jesus and the death of Judas / Scot McKnight
  • Satan and the demons / Mark Allan Powell
  • Mary and the other women characters / Kathleen E. Corley
  • The Jewish leaders / Alan F. Segal
  • Pilate and the Romans / Helen K. Bond
  • The trials of Jesus / Glenna S. Jackson
  • The procession and the crucifixion / Craig A. Evans
  • pt. 3. The Passion as art: considering the film's artistic influences. The Passion in the history of Jesus films / W. Barnes Tatum
  • The Passion, classical art and re-presentation / David J. Goa
  • The Passion and the influence of Emmerich's The dolorous Passion of our lord Jesus Christ / Robert L. Webb
  • Conclusion: The Passion, the gospels, and the claims of history / Kathleen E. Corley and Robert L. Webb.