Tabla de Contenidos:
  • John Dewey in Spain and in Spanish America / Antón Donoso
  • Pragmatism in Brazil : John Dewey and education / Marcus Vinicius da Cunha and Débora Cristina Garcia
  • Charles Peirce and the Hispanic world / Jaime Nubiola
  • John Dewey and the legacy of Mexican pragmatism in the United States / Ruben Flores
  • The neglected historical and philosophical connection between José Ingenieros and Ralph Waldo Emerson / Manuela Alejandra Gomez
  • The pragmatism of Eugenio d'Ors / Marta Torregrosa
  • Pedro Zulen and the reception of pragmatism in Peru / Pablo Quintanilla
  • Vaz Ferreira as a pragmatist : the articulation of science and philosophy / Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe
  • Dewey and Ortega on the starting point / Douglas Browning
  • Was Risieri Frondizi a Hispanic pragmatist? / Gregory Fernando Pappas
  • The Latino character of American pragmatism / Gregory Fernando Pappas
  • Leopoldo Zea, Stanley Cavell, and the seduction of "American" philosophy / Carlos Alberto Sanchez
  • Pragmatic pluralism, multiculturalism, and the new Hispanic / José Medina
  • Pragmatism, Latino intercultural citizenship, and the transformation of American democracy / José-Antonio Orosco
  • Understanding immigration as lived personal experience / Daniel Campos
  • Dewey and Latina lesbian on the quest for purity / Gregory Fernando Pappas
  • Dewey and Martí : culture in education / Alejandro Strong
  • Dewey's and Freire's pedagogies of recognition : a critique of subtractive schooling / Kim Díaz
  • Religiously binding the imperial self : classical pragmatism's call and liberation, philosophy's response / Alexander V. Stehn.