Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • I: Background and Influence 1. Suarez in a Late Scholastic Context: Anatomy, Psychology and Authority, Michael Edwards 2. Descartes and Leibniz as Readers of Suarez: Theory of Distinctions and Principle of Individuation, Roger Ariew
  • II: Metaphysics 3. Shadows of Being: Francisco Suarez's Entia Rationis, Christopher Shields 4. Suarez on Continuous Quantity, Jorge Secada
  • III: Natural Philosophy 5. Suarez on Propinquity and the Efficient Cause, Dennis Des Chene 6. Suarez's Last Stand for the Substantial Form, Helen Hattab
  • IV: Mind and Psychology 7. Suarez, Immortality, and the Soul's Dependence on the Body, James B. South 8. Suarez on Self-Awareness, Cees Leijenhorst 9. Unity in the Multiplicity of Suarez's Soul, Marleen Rozemond
  • V: Ethics and Natural Law 10. Reason and Obligation in Suarez, Thomas Pink 11. Suarez and Natural Law, James Gordley Bibliography Index