A twice-told tale reinventing the encounter in Iberian/Iberian American literature and film

Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Juan-Navarro, Santiago, 1960- (-), Young, Theodore Robert
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Newark : London ; Cranbury, NJ : University of Delaware Press ; Associated University Presses c2001.
Ver en Universidad de Navarra:https://unika.unav.edu/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma991009394419708016&context=L&vid=34UNAV_INST:VU1&search_scope=34UNAV_TODO&tab=34UNAV_TODO&lang=es
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Three visions of America / Eduardo Subirats
  • Postmodernity, orphanhood, and the contemporary Spanish American historical novel / Viviana Plotnik
  • Toward a new history : twentieth-century debates in Mexico on narrating the national past / Victoria E. Campos
  • Constructing cultural myths : Cabeza de Vaca in contemporary Hispanic criticism, theater, and film / Santiago Juan-Navarro
  • You are what you eat : Tropicalismo and How tasty was my little Frenchman / Theodore Robert Young
  • Transhistorical and transgeographical seductions in Rosa Montero's Te tratarâe como a una reina / Wa-kâi Fraser de Zambrano
  • Marina : a woman before the mirror of her time in Carlos Fuentes's Ceremonias del Alba / Gladys M. Ilarregui
  • Daimâon and the eroticism of the conquest / Terry Seymour
  • From cult to comics : the representation of Gonzalo Guerrero as a cultural hero in Mexican popular culture / RoseAnna M. Mueller
  • Naked in the wilderness : the transculturation of Cabeza de Vaca in Abel Posse's El largo atardecer del caminante / Kimberle S. Lâopez
  • Penetrating texts : testimonial pseudo-chronicle in La noche oscura del Niäno Avilâes by Edgardo Rodrâiguez Juliâa seen from Sigèuenza y Gâongora's Infortunios de Alonso Ramâirez / Erik Camayd-Freixas
  • Ana Lydia Vega's Falsas crâonicas del Sur : reconstruction and revision of Puerto Rico's past / Mary Ann Gosser-Esquilâin
  • Cervantes in America : between new world chronicle and chivalric romance / Luis Correa-Dâiaz
  • The americanization of Christopher Columbus in the works of William Carlos Williams and Alejo Carpentier / Molly Metherd
  • "This miraculous lie" : Lope de Aguirre and the search for El Dorado in the Latin American historical novel / Bart L. Lewis
  • A fool's point of view : parody, laughter, and the history of the discovery in Maluco : la novela de los descubridores by Napoleâon Baccino Ponce de Leâon / Magdalena Perkowska-Alvarez
  • La isla amarilla : (re)vision and subversion of the discovery / Susan P. Berardini.