Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Peter A. Kraus, Joan Vergés Gifra
  • Peoples and their right to self-determination / Michel Seymour
  • The ultimate check / Lluís Pérez
  • Liberal democracies, federalism and national pluralism / Ferran Requejo
  • Democratizing sovereignty / Peter A. Kraus
  • The right to decide / Jaume López
  • Normative views in practice / Ivan Serrano
  • Secession, democracy and power / Hèctor López Bofill
  • Post-secession duties / Albert Branchadell
  • National minorities, self-determination and human rights / Neus Torbisco Casals
  • Sovereignty, fragility and time in the Catalan process / Joan Vergés Gifra
  • Sovereignty and autonomy in the case law of the Italian and Spanish Constitutional Courts / Laura Cappuccio
  • Clash of legitimacies in Catalonia and Spain / Alain-G. Gagnon and Marc Sanjaume-Calvet