Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Under the skin : adapting novels for the screen / Robin Swicord
  • Julie Taymor's Titus : visualizing Shakespeare's language on screen / Karen Williams
  • Celluloid satire, or the moviemaker as moralist : Mira Nair's adaptation of Thackeray's Vanity fair / Micael M. Clarke
  • "Like an angel in a jungle" : God's angry woman in Ron Howard's The missing / Robert E. Meyer
  • Outside the source : credit sequences in Spike Lee's Malcolm X and 25th hour / Sarah Keller
  • Kubrick, Douglas, and the authorship of Paths of glory / James Naremore
  • The small-town Scarlet letter (1934) / Laurence Raw
  • Play is the thing : Shakespearean improvisation in The Salton Sea / Noel Sloboda
  • Imaging subjects and imagining bodies : T. E. Lawrence's Seven pillars of wisdom and David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia / Alison Patterson
  • A la recherche d'une femme perdue : Proust through the lens of Chantal Akerman's La captive / Ian Olney
  • Adaptations as an undecidable : fidelity and binarity from Bluestone to Derrida / Rochelle Hurst
  • Panel presentations and discussion : "The persistence of fidelity." The nature of film translation : literal, traditional, and radical / Linda Costanzo ; The golden continuum of probability / David L. Kranz ; Fidelity discourse : its cause and cure / Thomas Leitch ; A tale of two potters / Walter Metz.