Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The system of genres in troubadour lyric / William D. Paden
  • "Cobleiarai, car mi platz": the role of the Cobla in the Occitan lyric tradition / Elizabeth W. Poe
  • The place of secular Latin lyric / Winthrop Wetherbee
  • On the conventionality of the Cantigas d'amor / Julian Weiss
  • Traditional genres and poetic innovation in thirteenth-century Italian lyric poetry / Michelangelo Picone
  • Decir canciones: the question of genre in fifteenth-century Castilian cancionero poetry / Ana María Gómez-Bravo
  • The poem as art of poetry: the rhetoric of imitation in the Grand chant courtois / Douglas Kelly
  • The old Occitan arts of poetry and the early troubadour lyric / Rupert T. Pickens
  • Genre and demonstrative rhetoric: praise and blame in the Razos de Trobar and the Doctrina de compondre dictats / John Dagenais
  • "Wa-hiya taklifu ghannat": genre and gender in Hispano-Arabic poetry / Vicente Cantarino
  • Genre as a determinant of melody in the songs of the troubadours and the trouvères / Elizabeth Aubrey
  • Intergeneric play: the pastourelle in thirteenth-century French motets / Sylvia Huot
  • "The fire of love poetry has kissed me, how can I resist?" the Hebrew lyric in perspective / Ross Brann
  • Thwarted expectations: medieval and modern views of genre in Germany / Hubert Heinen.