Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Some questions concerning the conceptual history of "crisis" / Reinhart Koselleck
  • The institutionalization of modernity : shocks and crises in Germany and Sweden / Erik Ringmar
  • Moral community and the crisis of the Enlightenment : Sweden and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s / Nina Witoszek
  • Crisis and the politics of national community : Germany and Sweden, 1933/1994 / Lars Trèagêardh
  • Interpreting the Holocaust : crisis of modernity or crisis of German ideology? / Benjamin Lapp
  • Politics and catastrophe : why is the world so obsessed with German history? / Manfred Henningsen
  • Race, nation, and folk : on the repressed memory of World War II in Sweden and its hidden categories / Piero Colla
  • Crisis : the road to happiness? / Yvonne Hirdman
  • The crisis of consensus in postwar Sweden / Gèoran Rosenberg
  • Political modernity's critical juncture in the course of the French revolution / Robert Wokler.