Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction Part I: PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED PAPERS BY W.V. QUINE 1. Introduction to 'Levels of Abstraction'; Douglas Quine 2. Levels of Abstraction (1972); W.V. Quine 3. Introduction to Two Previously Unpublished Papers by W. V. Quine; Gary Ebbs 4. Preestablished Harmony (1995); W.V. Quine 5. Response to Gary Ebbs (1995); W.V. Quine Part II: QUINE'S CONTACT WITH THE UNITY OF SCIENCE MOVEMENT: A GLIMPSE OF HIS FRIENSHIP WITH ED HASKELL 6. Observations on the Contribution of W. V. Quine to Unified Science Theory; Ann Lodge, Rolfe Leary and Douglas Quine Part III: QUINE'S CONNECTION WITH PRAGMATISM 7. The Web and the Tree: Quine and James on the Growth of Knowledge; Yemima Ben-Menahem 8. On Quine's Debt to Pragmatism: C.I. Lewis and the Pragmatic A Priori; Robert Sinclair Part III: UNDERSTANDING QUINE 9. Quine's Philosophies of Language; Peter Hylton 10. Reading Quine's Claim That No Statement Is Immune to Revision; Gary Ebbs 11. Meta-Ontology, Naturalism, and the Quine-Barcan Marcus Debate; Frederique Janssen-Lauret 12. Underdetermination, Realism, and Transcendental Metaphysics in Quine; Gary Kemp 13. Quine, Wittgenstein and 'the Abyss of the Transcendental'; Andrew Lugg