Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Clive Kessler / Naomi Kronenberg
  • Malaysia, still "Islam and politics" but now enmeshed in a global web / Virginia Hooker
  • Social science approaches to understanding religious practice / William R. Roff
  • Politics of syariah reform / Kikue Hamayotsu
  • Submission to Allah? / M.B. Hooker
  • The Malay world / Shamsul A.B.
  • (Re)framing women's rights claims in Malaysia / Maila Stivens
  • Islam, modernity, and the popular in Malaysia / Joel S. Kahn
  • How "traditional" is the Malaysian monarchy / Anthony Milner
  • The localization of Islamist discourse in the tafsir of Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Murshid'ul Am of PAS / Farish A. Noor
  • The PAS-BN conflict in the 1990s / Amrita Malhi
  • The way forward / Virginia Hooker.