Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Media intertexts and contexts. Vectorial dynamics : transtextuality and complexity in the Matrix / Aylish Wood ; 'You hear about them all the time' : a genealogy of the sentient program / Andrew Shail ; The rules of the game, the burden of narrative : Enter the matrix / Diane Carr ; Virtual actors, spectacle and special effects : kung fu meets 'all that CGI bullshit' / Dan North ; The transparency of the interface : reality hacking and fantasies of resistance / Thomas Foster ; Cyber noir : cyberspace, (post)feminism and the femme fatale / Stacy Gillis
  • The politics of modernity and postmodernity. Playing it cool in the Matrix / Claudia Springer ; Moving The matrix : kinesic excess and post-industrial being / Anne Cranny-Francis ; Fashion, fetish and spectacle : The Matrix dresses up--and down / Pamela Church Gibson ; The multiplication of difference in post-millennial cyberpunk film : the visual culture of race in the Matrix trilogy / Lisa Nakamura; Changing cyberspaces : dystopia and technological excess / Kate O'Riordan
  • Baudrillardian revolutions : repetition and radical intervention in the Matrix trilogy / Catherine Constable ; Immanence, autonomy and integral anomalies / Paul Sheehan