Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Jørgen Bruhn, Anne Gjelsvik, and Eirik Frisvold Hanssen.
  • Part I: Rethinking the Core Questions. Theorizing Adaptations/Adapting Theories / Kamilla Elliott ; Adaptation and Adaptive Revision: The Problem of Textual Identity / John Bryant ; Dialogizing Adaptation Studies: From One Way Transport to a Dialogic Process / Jørgen Bruhn ; Adaptation as Connection: Transmediality Reconsidered / Regina Schober ; Adaptations within the Field of Media Transformations / Lars Elleström ; Imaginary Museums: André Bazin, Film Theory and Adaptation / Eirik Frisvold Hanssen ; What Movies Want / Tom Leitch.
  • Part II: Theorizing the Case-Study. The Medium Strikes Back: 'Impossible Adaptation' Revisited / Hajnal Kiraly ; 'Pre-Texts': The Notebook Case (Bergman) / Anna Sofia Rossholm ; Tracing the Original: The Film Invictus and "Based on a True Story" Adaptation / Sara Brinch ; What Novels Can Tell That Movies Can't Show / Anne Gjelsvik ; Literature Through Radio: Distance, Silence and Media Archaeology: The War of the Worlds 1938/1898 / Jonas Ingvarsson.