Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Moses Maimonides and the world of Islam / David J. Wasserstein
  • Maimonides as biblical exegete / Arthur Hyman
  • Philosophical themes in Maimonides--Sefer ahavah / Menachem Kellner
  • Maimonides on joy / Moshe Sokol
  • Maimonides' psychology / Alfred Ivry
  • Bahya and Maimonides on the worth of medicine / Lenn E. Goodman
  • The ambiguity of the imagination and the ambivalence of language in Maimonides and Spinoza / Idit Dobbs-Weinstein
  • The philosophical mysticism of Maimonides and Maimon / Gideon Freudenthal
  • Persecution and the art of representation: Schocken's Maimonides: anthologies of the 1930s / Martina Urban
  • Maimonides in the crucible of Zionism: reflections on Yeshayahu: Leibowitz's negative theology / Paul Mendes-Flohr
  • Can we be Maimonideans today? / David Novak.