Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Why must Israel be warriors? : the constructive role of warfare in Deuteronomy / Joshua Berman
  • Uzzah's fate (2 Samuel 6) : a theological problem for the modern reader / Lennart Bostr©œm
  • God's power and man's vicegerency on earth : violence as an ethical challenge in Islam / Friedmann Eissler
  • Hasmonean state ideology, wars and expansionism / LarsOlov Eriksson
  • Violence against Judah and Jerusalem : the rhetoric of destruction within Jeremiah 1-6 / Karin Finsterbusch
  • Who is violent and why? : Pharaoh and God in Exodus 1-15 as a model for violence in the Bible / Georg Fischer
  • Violence and the God of the Old Testament / Terence E. Fretheim
  • Violence, judgment and ethics in the Book of Amos / Hallvard Hagelia
  • Understanding images of violence in the Book of Revelation / Dana M. Harris
  • Rest for the wary : cities of refuge and cycles of violence / Robert L. Hubbard, Jr.
  • Divine violence and the Dead Sea Scrolls / ©іrstein Justnes
  • Human 'dominion' and being 'like God' : an exploration of peace, violence and truth in the Old Testament / Gordon McConville
  • The violent God of the Old Testament : reading strategies and responsibility / Kirsten Nielsen
  • Lectio vehementior potior : scribal violence on violent texts? / Tommy Wasserman
  • Holy war, divine war, YHWH war, and ethics : on a central issue in recent research on the Hebrew Bible / Karl William Weyde
  • Strategies for the prevention of the use of legitimate forms of force in the sermon on the mount and the problem of violence / Peter Wick
  • The annihilation of the Canaanites : reassessing the brutality of the biblical witness / Markus Zehnder.