Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: valuing environments in the rich world / David Pearce
  • Pt. I. Natural resources: forests, biodiversity, water and energy. Cost-benefit analysis of Irish forest policy / J. Peter Clinch
  • Costs and benefits of UK forestry policy / Bob Crabtree
  • Valuing changes in farmland biodiversity using stated preference techniques / Mike Christie ... [et al.]
  • Implications of declining discount rates for UK climate change policy / Ben Groom ... [et al.]
  • Valuing perceived risk of genetically modified food: a meta-analysis / Clare Hall, Dominic Moran and David Allcroft
  • valuing water quality changes in the Netherlands using stated preference techniques / Roy Brouwer
  • Measuring environmental externalities in the electric power sector / Patrick Sèoderholm and Thomas Sundqvist
  • Quantifying the environmental impacts of renewable energy: the case of Swedish wind power / Kristina Ek
  • Pt. II. Amenity and water quality. Underground or overground? Measuring the visual disamenity from overhead electricity transmission lines / Giles Atkinson, Brett Day and Susana Mourato
  • Using choice experiments to value urban green space / Craig Bullock
  • Valuing the environmental benefits of water industry investment in England and Wales / Bruce Horton and Jonathan Fisher
  • Valuing water service level changes: a random utility approach and benefit transfer comparison / Kenneth Willis and Riccardo Scarpa
  • The value of a tidier Thames: willingness to pay to reduce sewage overflows / Susana Mourato ... [et al.]
  • Cost-benefit analysis and the prevention of eutrophication / Ian Bateman .. [et al.]
  • Is it worth revising the European Bathing Water Directive? A choice experiment / Susana Mourato ... [et al.]
  • Hedonic price analysis of road traffic noise nuisance / Brett Day, Ian Bateman and Iain Lake
  • Pt. III. Valuation and sectoral green accounting. Towards green sectoral accounts for UK agriculture / Jodi Newcombe, Ece èOzdemiroæglu and Giles Atkinson
  • Scale issues and scaling procedures in integrated water accounting / Roy Brouwer, Sjoerd Schenau and Rob van der Veeren.