Tabla de Contenidos:
  • How come Electroreception?- From Electrogenesis to Electroreception: an Overview.- Morphology of Electroreceptive Sensory Organs.- Central Neuroanatomy of Electrosensory Systems in Fish-Ontogeny of Electroreceptors and their Neural Circuity.- The Physiolology of Low Frequency Electrosensory Systems-Physiology of Tuberous Electrosensory Systems.- Plasticity of Sense Organs and Brain-Behavior of Animals with Passive, Low-Frequency Electrosensory Systems.- Passive Electrolocation and the Sensory Guidance of Ordinary Behavior-Anatomy of Electric Sense Organs.- Target Detection, Image Analysis and Modeling.- Morphology of Electroreceptive Sensory Organs.- Comparing Octavolateralis Sensory Systems: What can we learn?- Diversity and Phylogeny of Neotropical Electric Fishes.- Electric Organs and their Control.