Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Latin politics, global media / Elizabeth Fox and Silvio Waisbord
  • Transforming television in Argentina: market development and policy reform in the 1990s / Hernán Galperín
  • Mass media in Brazil: modernization to prevent change / Roberto Amaral
  • The triumph of the media elite in postwar Central America / Rick Rockwell and Noreene Janus
  • The reform of national television in Chile / Valerio Fuenzalida
  • The Colombian media: modes and perspective in television / Fernando Calero Aparicio
  • Mexico: the Fox factor / Rick Rockwell
  • Mexico and Brazil: the aging dynasties / John Sinclair
  • The transitional labyrinth in an emerging democracy: broadcasting policies in Paraguay / Aníbal Orué Pozzo
  • Peruvian media in the 1990s: from deregulation to reorganization / Luis Peirano
  • Television and the new Uruguayan state / Roque Faraone
  • Venezuela and the media: the new paradigm / José Antonio Mayobre