Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Organization and administration in medieval government: Kreisler, F. F. Domesday Book and the Anglo-Norman synthesis. Constable, G. Cluniac administration and administrators in the twelfth century. Freed, J. B. The friars and the delineation of state boundaries in the thirteenth century. Radding, C. M. The administrators of the aids in Normandy, 1360-1380. Bowsky, W. M. Italian diplomatic history: a case for the smaller commune
  • Finance: money and prices. Wolff, P. The significance of the "feudal period" in the monetary history of Europe. Bisson, T. N. Credit, prices, and agrarian production in Catalonia: a Templar account (1180-1188). Kaeuper, R. W. Royal finance and the crisis of 1297. Benton, J. F. The accounts of Cepperello da Prato for the tax on Nouveaux acquêts in the bailliage of Troyes
  • Medieval trade and urban life: Lewis, A. R. Nor