Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. The Biopic and its Critical Contexts - Belen Vidal I. Cultural Shifts 1. Facebooking the Present: the Biopic and Cultural Instantaneity - Rebecca A. Sheehan 2. The Contemporary French Biopic in National and International Contexts - Raphaelle Moine 3. The Biopic of the New Middle Classes in Contemporary Hindi Cinema - Rachel Dwyer 4. Recycling Historical Lives: South Korean Period Biopics and the Culture Content Industry - Yun Mi Hwang II. Cycles and Performance 5. Performing Performers: Embodiment and Intertextuality in the Contemporary Biopic - Lucy Fife Donaldson 6. Consensual Pleasures: Amazing Grace, Oratory and the Middlebrow Biopic - Tom Brown 7. Morgan/Sheen: The Compressed Frame of Impersonation - Belen Vidal 8. Gender, Genius and Abjection in Artist Biopics - Julie F. Codell 9. Chanel on Screen: Female Biopics in the Age of Global Branding - Ginette Vincendeau III. Icons and Auteurs 10. Cinematic Boundaries: Aleksandr Sokurov's The Sun as Liminal Biopic - Alastair Phillips 11. History in the Making: Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette and the New Auteurism - Pam Cook 12. I'm Not There: Transcendent Thanatography - Jesse Schlotterbeck 13. Il Divo: The Biopic, Counter-History, and Cine/Politics in the 21st Century - Marcia Landy 14. Gainsbourg: Puppetry in the Musical Biopic - Robert Burgoyne