Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part I. Essays on St Augustine :
  • 1. The nature of the Pelagian crisis / Gerald Bonner
  • 2. Augustine as a reader of Cicero / Charles Brittain
  • 3. Augustinian views on memory as an aid to reading "The tempest" / Joseph Koterski
  • 4. Augustine and the Filioque / Joseph T. Lienhard
  • 5. Becoming one Christ : the dynamics of Augustinian deification / David Vincent Meconi
  • 6. Friendship and happiness : why matter matters in Augustine's Confessions / Ann A. Pang-White
  • 7. Augustine and the beginning of theology / Frederick Van Fleteren
  • 8. Quinque argumenta Pelagianorum : Zu Funktion und Herkunft pelagianischer Sätze in Augustins Contra Iulianum, buch 2 / Dorothea Weber
  • 9. The end of the soliloquy : towards a later Augustine / James Wetzel
  • Part II. Essays on Medieval Philosophy :
  • 10. The falling dog and the numerical unity of motion / John P. Doyle
  • 11. Mystic as experienced exegete : Bernard of Clairvaux / William Harmless
  • 12. William of Auvergne on the human being / John A. Laumakis
  • 13. Late Renaissance discussions regarding the hierarchy of being : Francesco Buonamici, Galileo Galilei, Jacopo Mazzoni, and Cesare Cremonini / Edward P. Mahoney
  • 13. "Li" or "Ly," marker of metalanguage in scholastic Latin / Philipp W. Rosemann