Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Dispute about the public significance of religion : an opening reflection / Hans-Georg Ziebertz
  • Conservative Christianity in the USA : interpretive and normative perspectives / Richard R. Osmer
  • Religious capital and public accountability : challenges to empirical theology / Hans Schilderman
  • A sociological perspective on the public significance of religion : from secularization to 'publicization' / David Herbert
  • Framing the gods : the public significance of religion from a cultural point of view / R. Ruard Ganzevoort
  • Separation of church and state and freedom of religion : left to the gods? : an empirical study among Dutch young people / Johannes A. (Hans) van der Ven
  • Varieties of religious solidarity / Hans Schilderman
  • Church, public and bioethics : religion's construction of public significance through the bioethical discourse / Ulla Schmidt
  • Factors predicting engagement with society among Anglicans in England / Andrew Village
  • Maintaining a public ministry in rural England : work-related psychological health and psychological type among Anglican clergy serving in multi-church benefices / Christine E. Brewster, Leslie J. Francis, and Mandy Robbins
  • The changing public face of the Church of England : the changing experiences of clergywomen / Mandy Robbins
  • The public significance of religion and the changing context of family life in Britain 1983-2005 : an examination of marriage, cohabitation and divorce / Emyr Williams and Leslie J. Francis
  • Interpreting God's activity in the public square : accessing the ordinary theology of personal prayer / Tania ap Siôn
  • How Christian students in Tamil Nadu think about power-driven religious conflicts : a meaning system approach / Chris A.M. Hermans ... [et al.]
  • Cross-religious participation in rituals and interpretation of religious pluralism : a comparative study among Christian, Muslim and Hindu students in Tamil Nadu, India / Francis-Vincent Anthony, Christ A.M. Hermans, and Carl Sterkens
  • Plurality in unity : a comparative, quantitative study analyzing how Catholic teachers of religion from five European countries perceive other religions / Ulrich Riegel
  • A public issue still denied : religion in German preschool education / Friedrich Schweitzer
  • The significance of religion for adolescents : conception of and first results from the VROID-MHAP-Study / Christoph Käppler ... [et al.]