Table of Contents:
  • Convergence and divergence : the international experience of digital television / Graeme Turner
  • When digital was new : the advanced television technologies of the 1970s and the control of content / Julian Thomas
  • "Is it TV yet"? The dislocated screens of television in a mobile digital culture / William Boddy
  • Cult television as digital television's cutting edge / Roberta Pearson
  • Multiplatforming public service : the BBC's "Bundled project" / Niki Strange
  • Little kids' TV : downloading, sampling, and multiplatforming the preschool TV experiences of the digital era / Jeanette Steemers
  • The "basis for mutual contempt" : the loss of the contingent in digital television / Karen Lury
  • Television's aesthetic of efficiency : convergence television and the digital short / Max Dawson
  • Scripted spaces : television interfaces and the non-places of asynchronous entertainment / Daniel Chamberlain
  • Television, interrupted : pollution or aesthetic? / Jason Jacobs
  • Worker blowback : user-generated, worker-generated, and producer-generated content within collapsing production workflows / John T. Caldwell
  • User-created content and everyday cultural practice : lessons from YouTube / Jean Burgess
  • Architectures of participation : fame, television, and Web 2.0 / James Bennett.