Tabla de Contenidos:
  • La dama duende in Light of Borges' El zahir / Shifra Armon
  • El arenal de Sevilla, o El arte nuevo de ambientar una comedia / Jean Canavaggio
  • Narrating Narcissus: ego, identity, and the other's desire in Tirso de Molina's La celosa de si misma / Anne J. Cruz
  • (Be)lying fame in Spanish Golden Age lierature / John T. Cull
  • A partial sketch plan of the Corral de la Cruz discovered by Jay Allen / Charles Davis
  • Casting the gods of Egypt : Proteus, the Nile and the Phœnix in La Numancia / Frederick A. De Armas
  • The Quixotics of empire: Don Quixote's global reach / Diana de Armas Wilson
  • Algunas noticias sobre el dramaturgo Luis de Belmonte Bermúdez y la vida teatral sevillana de 1631 / Mercedes de los Reyes Peña
  • Luis de Vergara: un autor en la etapa de formación de la comedia barroca / Teresa Ferrer
  • From Post-Tridentine to Post-Modern: restaging eschatology in El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra / Susan L. Fischer
  • Women in Don Quixote: the master plan / Edward H. Friedman
  • "Pray, landlord, bring me those books": notes on Cervantes, Walter Scott, and the social legitimacy of the novel in early nineteenth-century England / E. Michael Gerli
  • Editing Sor Juana's baroque fête: space and movement in Pawns of a house / Susana Hernandez Araico
  • The devil as stage designer: the JARDIN and the ALCAZAR / Javier Herrero
  • The Algerian economy and Cervantes' first work of narrative fiction / Carroll B. Johnson
  • Spectacle and commerce: how the autores altered Lope's staging instructions / Patricia Kenworthy
  • Contradictions or typical exaggerations?: more about psychology in Don Quixote / Tom Lathrop
  • Pica syndrome in Cervantes' Curioso impertinente / Howard Mancing
  • Don Quixote and narratology: affrimations and misgivings /James Parr
  • Fray Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz O. Cist: the plague years, 1647-1659 / Henry W. Sullivan