Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. Heresy and orthodoxy ; Continuities and discontinuities ; Contexts of Milton's theology ; Dead ideas ; Poetic theology
  • The theology of freedom : a short history. Augustine ; Anselm of Canterbury ; Thomas Aquinas ; John Duns Scotus ; William of Ockham ; Martin Luther ; John Calvin ; Reformed orthodoxy ; Arminianism ; Amyraldism ; De doctrina christiana
  • The satanic theology of freedom. Satan as heretic ; Divine tyranny ; Fatalism ; Devil writ large
  • Predestination and freedom. Universal election ; Reprobation ; Predestined freedom
  • The freedom of God. The free creator ; Arian freedom ; Divine and creaturely freedom
  • Human freedom and the fall. Freedom and necessity ; Contingent freedom ; Contingence and theodicy ; A free fall ; Freedom enthralled
  • Grace, conversion and freedom . Universal prevenient grace ; The conversion of Adam and Eve ; Continuing conversion.