Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: a new blueprint for a less violent world / Noel V. Lateef
  • Give peace a chance / David A. Hamburg
  • Strengthening the United Nations' role in preventing deadly conflict / Kofi Annan
  • The most deadly threat: nuclear conflict / Sam Nunn
  • A U.N. agenda: defending the defenseless and tackling challenges / Ban Ki-moon
  • The case for American engagement in the world / Hillary Clinton
  • Defending U.S. foreign policy in a post-post-cold war world / Richard N. Haass
  • Constructive management of diversity: a strategy for conflict prevention / Francis M. Deng
  • Humanitarian intervention: politics and prudence / W. Michael Reisman
  • The new world disorder: challenges for the United Nations in the 21st century / Kofi Annan
  • Liberal internationalism: peace, war and democracy / Michael W. Doyle
  • Redefining security / Richard H. Ullman
  • International exchange in the arts / George F. Kennan
  • Future worlds / Richard A. Falk
  • Parliamentary diplomacy: taking stock in the 1980s and looking ahead / Noel V. Lateef
  • U.S.-European relations: past and future / Stanley Hoffmann
  • Current international trends and world peace / Henry A. Kissinger
  • Is the American century over? / Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
  • Understanding effective foreign policy / Paul A. Volcker, Jr.
  • Aspiring to peace and freedom / Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • New diplomatic techniques in a new world / Dag Hammarskjöld.