Tabla de Contenidos:
  • General principles of international law / Catherine Redgwell
  • From myth to reality : The EU's 'new legal order' and the place of general principles within it / Stephen Weatherill
  • Theorising general principles of EU law in perspective : high expectations, modest means, and the Court of Justice / Urkaadl and Joxerramon Bengoetxea
  • Is legality a principle of EU law? / Alexander Somek
  • General principles and the many faces of coherence : between law and ideology in the European Union / Xavier Groussot, Jörgen Hettne and Gunnar Thor Petursson
  • General principles and customary law in the EU legal order / Samantha Besson
  • Proportionality / Al Young and Gráinne de Búrca
  • Proportionality and judicial review : a UK historical perspective / Paul Craig
  • The evolution of the principle of proportionality in EU law-- towards an anticipative understanding? / Juliane Kokott and Christoph Sobotta
  • Proportionality and the margin of appreciation : Strasbourg and London / Philip Sales
  • Orgins and presentation of the proportionality principle in French law / Yoan Sanchez
  • An Italian perspective on the principle of proportionality / Giuseppe Martinico and Marta Simoncini
  • The application of proportionality in Denmark in the light of European legal integration / Helle Krunke
  • Private autonomy and protection of the weaker party / Stephen Weatherill, Stefan Vogenauer, and Petra Weingerl
  • Private autonomy and the protection of the weaker party : historical / Hector L. MacQueen and Stephen Bogle
  • Personal freedom and the protection of the weak through the lens of contract : jurisprudential overview / Dori Kimel
  • Private autonomy, weak parties, and private law : views from law and economics / Fernando Gómez and Mireia Artigot
  • Fairness at a time of perplexity : the civil law principle of fairness in the Court of Justice of the European Union / Daniela Caruso
  • Discrimination on grounds of obesity / Niilo Jääskinen
  • Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity / Alina Tryfonidou
  • Judging general principles / David Edward.