Notas:Program and proceedings of a symposium presented Feb. 11-12, 2005 in Heidelberg by the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, to celebrate the completion of the publication of their historical-critical edition of the complete works of Nicholas of Cusa titled: Opera omnia iussu et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Heidelbergensis ad codicum fidem edita / Nicolai de Cusa ; ediderunt commentariisque illustraverunt Raymundus Klibansky et Iohannes Gerhardus Senger. Lipsiaei : In aedibus Felicis Meiner, 1932-2004. The edition also includes the biographical material of Acta Cusana, and the marginalia from Cusanus' philosophical and theological mss., which was not published until 2005/06 by Verlag Felix Meiner; cf. p. [vii].
Texto en alemán
Descripción Física:XIII, 190 p. : il. ; 25 cm