Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction; Part I PHENOMENOLOGY AND ITS METHODOLOGY; 1. The Problem of Psychologism and the Idea of a Phenomenological Science; 2. Husserl's Phenomenology and the Motives Leading to Its Transformation; 3. What Is Phenomenology?; 4. The Phenomenological Method of Eidetic Intuition and Its Clarification as Eidetic Variation; Part II ASPECTS OF INTENTIONALITY; 5. Intentionality and the Intentional Object in the Early Husserl; 6. The Significance of Objectifying Acts in Husserl's Fifth Investigation; 7. Objectifying and Nonobjectifying Acts. 8. The Phenomenology of Time Following Husserl9. Phenomenological Concepts of Untruth in Husserl and Heidegger; Part III SUBJECTIVITY AND CULTURE; 10. Husserl's Phenomenology of the Monad: Remarks on Husserl's Confrontation with Leibniz; 11. Husserl's Phenomenology: Philosophia Perennis in the Crisis of European Culture; 12. Philosophy of Culture and Cultural Anthropology as Transcendental Phenomenology; Acknowledgments; List of Contributors; Index.