Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / Emanuele Occhipinti
  • pt. I. Curricular innovations: ch. 1. Eliminating the "gap" through circular innovation / Janice M. Aski and Heather Webb
  • ch. 2. Task-based instruction in intermediate Italian: a research-supported model / Tom Means
  • ch. 3. What can be obtained from project work? A case study / Assunta Giuseppina Zedda
  • ch. 4. The conversation hour: the making of an experiment / Simona Wright
  • ch. 5. Teaching learnable grammar / Camilla Bettoni and Bruno Di Biase
  • pt. II. Teaching Italian with technology: ch. 6. Enhancing the student experience through technology: making language learning more meaningful through a department VLE / Clella Boscolo, Alison Davies, Kelly Smith
  • ch. 7. Azione! Teaching listening skills through video: a web-based program of film and television segments designed for Italian language courses at Yale University / Amelia Moser
  • ch. 8. Confronting new technologies: a cross-cultural telecollaborative project across the ocean / Silvia Carlorossi, Francesca Helm, Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Kathryn K. McMahon
  • ch. 9. Podcasting and iPod in teaching and learning Italian language, culture and literature: a research study at Universitâe de Montrâeal, Canada / Jacqueline Samperi Mangan
  • pt. III. Teaching Italian translation: ch. 10. Teaching Italian translation: a challenge / Luciana d'Arcangeli
  • ch. 11. Translation in teaching Italian as L2: evolution or involution? / Sandro Sciutti
  • ch. 12. Words don't come easy ... especially during exams! The importance of adopting a didactic translation methodology in the context of the 2001 Italian university reform / Maria Cristina Cignatta
  • ch. 13. Teaching Italian as a foreign language for academic and professional purposes. Juridical and informative language. Teaching suggestions for students and legal professionals / Manuela Visigalli
  • pt. IV. Teaching Italian culture: ch. 14. Visual literacy: teaching Italian culture through images / Daniela Bartalesi-Graf
  • ch. 15. A visual socio-cultural approach to Italian women's studies / Flavia Laviosa
  • ch. 16. Building an intercultural identity in a cross-cultural transition: a short term stay case study / Barbara Spinelli, Roberto Dolci
  • ch. 17. Evaluating cultural proficiency in an upper level Italian culture course / Romana Capek-Habekoviâc, Sandra Palaich
  • ch. 18. Cultural acquisition and language learning: the IVC, Chiavi di Lettura Project / Christine Ristaino, Judith Raggi-Moore
  • ch. 19. From the past to the present: history of the Italian culture / Nicla Reverso
  • pt. IV. Teaching Italian culture through film: ch. 20. Italian language and culture in close-up: using film at all levels of proficiency / Kerstin Pilz
  • ch. 21. Teaching visual thinking, in and out of the Italian canon / Thomas Erling Peterson
  • ch. 22. Memory on the margins: reflections on Italy (1938-1943) in Scola's Una giornata particolare & Ozpetek's La finestra di fronte / Mary Ann McDonald Carolan
  • pt. VI. Teaching Italian culture through songs: ch. 23. Teaching Italian culture through songs: "non solo canzonette" / Paola Vettorel
  • ch. 24. Italian freaks and punks: history of Italian culture from 1950s to 2005 retold by protest songs / Silvia Boero.