Information Modeling and Relational Databases
Information Modeling and Relational Databases, Third Edition, provides an introduction to ORM (Object-Role Modeling) and much more. In fact, it is the only book to go beyond introductory coverage and provide all of the in-depth instruction you need to transform knowledge from domain experts into a s...
Other Authors: | , |
Format: | eBook |
Language: | Inglés |
Published: |
Cambridge, MA :
Morgan Kaufmann
Edition: | Third edition |
Subjects: | |
See on Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull: | |
Table of Contents:
- Intro
- Information Modeling and Relational Databases
- Copyright
- Contents
- Foreword
- Foreword
- Foreword
- Preface
- Online resources
- ORM software
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1. Information Modeling
- 1.2. Information Modeling Approaches
- 1.3. Historical Background
- 1.4. The Relevant Skills
- 1.5. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 2: Information Levels and Frameworks
- 2.1. Four Information Levels
- Exercise 2.1
- 2.2. The Conceptual Level
- Exercise 2.2
- 2.3. Database Design Example
- 2.4. Development Frameworks
- 2.5. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 3: Conceptual Modeling: First Steps
- 3.1. Conceptual Modeling Language Criteria
- 3.2. Conceptual Schema Design Procedure
- 3.3. CSDP Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts
- Exercise 3.3
- 3.4. CSDP Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate
- Exercise 3.4
- 3.5. CSDP Step 3: Trim Schema
- Note Basic Derivations
- Exercise 3.5
- 3.6. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 4: Uniqueness Constraints
- 4.1. Introduction to CSDP Step 4
- 4.2. Uniqueness Constraints on Unaries and Binaries
- Exercise 4.2
- 4.3. Uniqueness Constraints on Longer Fact Types
- Exercise 4.3
- 4.4. External Uniqueness Constraints
- Exercise 4.4
- 4.5. Arity Checks
- Exercise 4.5
- 4.6. Projections and Joins
- Exercise 4.6
- 4.7. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 5: Mandatory Roles
- 5.1. Introduction to CSDP Step 5
- 5.2. Mandatory and Optional Roles
- Exercise 5.2
- 5.3. Reference Schemes
- Exercise 5.3
- 5.4. Case Study: A Compact Disc Retailer
- Exercise 5.4
- 5.5. Logical Derivation Check
- Exercise 5.5
- 5.6. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 6: Value, Set-Comparison, and Subtype Constraints
- 6.1. Introduction to CSDP Step 6
- 6.2. Basic Set Theory
- 6.3. Value Constraints and Independent Types
- Exercise 6.3.
- 6.4. Subset, Equality, and Exclusion Constraints
- Exercise 6.4
- 6.5. Subtyping
- Exercise 6.5
- 6.6. Generalization of Object Types
- Exercise 6.6
- 6.7. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 7: Other Constraints and Final Checks
- 7.1. Introduction to CSDP Step 7
- 7.2. Frequency Constraints
- Exercise 7.2
- 7.3. Ring Constraints
- Exercise 7.3
- 7.4. Other Constraints and Rules
- Exercise 7.4
- 7.5. Final Checks
- Exercise 7.5
- 7.6. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 8: Entity-Relationship Modeling
- 8.1. Overview of ER
- 8.2. Barker Notation
- 8.3. Information Engineering Notation
- 8.4. IDEF1X
- 8.5. Mapping from ORM to ER
- Exercise 8.5
- 8.6. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 9: Data Modeling in UML
- 9.1. Introduction
- 9.2. Object-Orientation
- 9.3. Attributes
- 9.4. Associations
- 9.5. Set-Comparison Constraints
- 9.6. Subtyping
- 9.7. Other Constraints and Derivation Rules
- 9.8. Mapping from ORM to UML
- Exercise 9.8
- 9.9. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 10: Advanced Modeling Issues
- 10.1. Join Constraints
- Exercise 10.1
- 10.2. Deontic Rules
- Exercise 10.2
- 10.3. Temporality
- Exercise 10.3
- 10.4. Collection Types
- Exercise 10.4
- 10.5. Nominalization and Objectification
- Exercise 10.5
- 10.6. Open/Closed World Semantics
- Exercise 10.6
- 10.7. Higher-Order Types
- Exercise 10.7
- 10.8. Further Constraints Involving Subtyping
- 10.9. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 11: Relational Mapping
- 11.1. Implementing a Conceptual Schema
- 11.2. Relational Schemas
- Exercise 11.2
- 11.3. Relational Mapping Procedure
- Mapping 1:1 Associations
- Mapping External Uniqueness Constraints
- Mapping Objectified Associations
- Mapping Subtypes
- Exercise 11.3
- 11.4. Advanced Mapping Aspects
- Exercise 11.4
- 11.5. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 12: Relational Languages.
- 12.1. SQL: Relational Algebra
- Union, Intersection, and Difference
- Cartesian Product (Unrestricted Join)
- Relational Selection
- Relational Projection
- Relational Joins
- Relational Division
- Renaming
- Query Strategies
- Exercise 12.1
- 12.2. Relational Database Systems
- 12.3. SQL: Historical and Structural Overview
- 12.4. SQL: Identifiers and Data Types
- Exercise 12.4
- 12.5. SQL: Choosing Columns, Rows, and Order
- Exercise 12.5
- 12.6. SQL: Joins
- Exercise 12.6
- 12.7. SQL: in, between, like, and is null Operators
- Exercise 12.7
- 12.8. SQL: Union and Simple Subqueries
- Exercise 12.8
- 12.9. SQL: Scalar Operators and Bag Functions
- Exercise 12.9
- 12.10. SQL: Grouping
- Exercise 12.10
- 12.11. SQL: Correlated and Existential Subqueries
- Exercise 12.11
- 12.12. SQL: Recursive Queries
- 12.13. SQL: Updating Table Populations
- 12.14. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 13: Other Database Features
- 13.1. SQL: The Bigger Picture
- 13.2. SQL: Defining Tables
- Creating Tables
- Maintaining Referential Integrity
- Changing Table Definitions
- 13.3. SQL: Views
- Exercise 13.3
- 13.4. SQL: Triggers
- Exercise 13.4
- 13.5. SQL: Routines
- User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
- Stored Procedures
- Exercise 13.5
- 13.6. More Database Objects
- Sequences
- Indexes
- Cursors
- 13.7. Transactions and Concurrency
- 13.8. Security and Metadata
- 13.9. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 14: Schema Transformations
- 14.1. Schema Equivalence and Optimization
- 14.2. Predicate Specialization and Generalization
- Other Kinds of Predicate Specialization/Generalization
- Exercise 14.2
- 14.3. Nesting, Coreferencing, and Flattening
- Exercise 14.3
- 14.4. Other Transformations
- Exercise 14.4
- 14.5. Conceptual Schema Optimization
- Exercise 14.5
- 14.6. Normalization
- Exercise 14.6.
- 14.7. Denormalization and Low-Level Optimization
- Exercise 14.7
- 14.8. Reengineering
- Exercise 14.8
- 14.9. Data Migration and Query Transformation
- Exercise 14.9
- 14.10. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 15: Process and State Modeling
- 15.1. Modeling Dynamic Behavior
- 15.2. Processes and Workflow
- 15.3. Foundations for Process Theory
- 15.4. State Models
- 15.5. Modeling Information Dynamics in UML
- Activity Diagrams
- State Machine Diagrams
- Executable UML
- 15.6. Business Process Standards Initiatives
- 15.7. Business Process Model and Notation
- 15.8. Standard Process Patterns
- 15.9. Process Models, Databases, and ORM
- 15.10. Decision Model and Notation
- Exercise 15.10
- 15.11. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 16: Data File Formats
- 16.1. External Data Structures
- 16.2. XML
- XML Structure
- Using XQuery
- Exercise 16.2
- 16.3. JSON
- 16.4. Other Markup Languages
- 16.5. XML, JSON, and ORM
- 16.6. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- Chapter 17: NoSQL and Other Nonrelational Databases
- 17.1. The Growth of the NoSQL Movement
- The Relational Model
- Distributed Databases
- The CAP Theorem
- Availability
- NoSQL Benefits
- Potential Drawbacks of NoSQL Databases
- 17.2. Key-Value Stores
- 17.3. Column-Oriented Databases
- 17.4. Document Databases
- Linking Data
- Partitioning
- Indexing
- Database Queries
- 17.5. Graph Databases
- Graph Database Queries
- Populating a Graph Database
- Updating and Deleting
- Comparison With Relational Databases
- Mapping ORM to a Graph Database
- 17.6. Other Nonrelational Databases
- Object Orientation
- Deductive Database Systems
- Other Database Varieties
- Artificial Intelligence
- 17.7. Summary
- Chapter 18: Other Modeling Aspects and Trends
- 18.1. Introduction
- 18.2. Data Warehousing and OLAP.
- 18.3. Conceptual Query Languages
- 18.4. Schema Abstraction Mechanisms
- 18.5. Further Design Aspects
- 18.6. Ontologies and the Semantic Web
- RDF and RDFS
- OWL and Its Sublanguages
- Cardinality Restrictions in OWL 1
- OWL Syntaxes
- Some OWL 2 Taxonomy
- Comparing Individuals, Classes, Datatypes, and Predicates
- Functional, Inverse, Mandatory, and Key Relationships
- Union, Intersection, and Complement
- Reflexive, Irreflexive, Symmetric, Asymmetric, and Transitive Predicates
- Enumerated Types in OWL 2
- ``Value´´ Restrictions on Predicates
- Property Chains in OWL 2
- Some Differences Between OWL Ontologies and Typical Databases
- Negated Facts and Unary Facts in OWL
- Join Semantics of External Uniqueness Constraints
- Mapping ORM to OWL
- 18.7. Metamodeling
- Exercise 18.7
- 18.8. Summary
- Chapter Notes
- ORM Glossary
- UML Glossary
- ER Glossary
- Useful websites
- Fact-oriented modeling (general)
- Fact-oriented modeling tools
- Business rules, data management, and data architecture frameworks
- Workflow modeling
- Bibliography
- Index.