Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Front Matter""; ""Independent Report Reviewers""; ""Preface""; ""Abbreviations""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Pre-Incident Communication and Intelligence: Linking the Intelligence and Medical Communities""; ""3 Personal Protective Equipment""; ""4 Detection and Measurement of Chemical Agents""; ""5 Recognizing Covert Exposure in a Population""; ""6 Detection and Measurement of Biological Agents""; ""7 Patient Decontamination and Mass Triage""; ""8 Availability, Safety, and Efficacy of Drugs and Other Therapies""
  • ""9 Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Psychological Effects""""10 Computer-Related Tools for Training and Operations""; ""11 Conclusions and Recommendations""; ""References""; ""APPENDIX A Committee and Staff Biographies""; ""APPENDIX B Inventory of Chemical and Biological Defense Technology, with Gap and Overlap Analysis""; ""APPENDIX C Lethal and Incapacitating Chemical Weapons""; ""APPENDIX D Centers for Disease Control and Prevention List of Restricted Agents""; ""Index""