Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Conté: A Day in Toulouse / André Tavares
  • M23: Extension and rehabilitation of a mountain house, Bolquère
  • T12: Transformation of a garage into offices, Toulouse
  • M24: Renovation of a townhouse, Toulouse
  • M26: Extension and renovation of two suburban houses, Toulouse
  • T13: Municipal workshops, Odars
  • M27: House rehabilitation, Mimizan
  • M28: Rehabilitation of a suburban house, Toulouse
  • M29: Renovation of a townhouse, Toulouse
  • A11: Transformation of three cellars into an apartment, Toulouse
  • T15: Transformation of a garage into a restaurant, Toulouse
  • M30: Single-family house, Roquemaure
  • M33: Rehabilitation of a townhouse, Toulouse
  • T16: Transformation of a factory into a workshop, Toulouse
  • E54: Associations' building, Montjoire
  • Nexus: Dealing with Architecture / Jo Taillieu and Tiphaine Abenia in conversation with BAST
  • 14 projects, 14 construction sites / BAST