Published:Began with: Vol. 22 (1927); ceased with vol. 116 (2007)
Item Description:Volumes for published: Warrendale, Pa.
Publication Frequency:Annual
Related Items:Volume for 1927 issued also as a section of: The Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers; for 1928-1946 as a section of: The SAE journal.
Vol. 55 (1947)-60 (1952) not published; these intervening years are covered by vols. 1-6 inclusive of: Society of Automotive Engineers. SAE quarterly transactions, ISSN 0097-5389.
Continued in part in 1984 by: Annual index/abstracts of SAE technical papers.
Split into seven separate publications: SAE International journal of aerospace; SAE International journal of commercial vehicles; SAE International journal of engines; SAE International journal of fuels and lubricants; SAE International journal of materials and manufacturing; SAE International journal of passenger cars. Electronic and electrical systems; and: SAE International journal of passenger cars. Mechanical systems.