Summary: | Juan makes poor eye contact, speaks very slowly, and shows many symptoms associated with a depressed mood. When asked, Juan describes his current mood as being extremely down. Juan enjoyed school and wanted to go to college, but because of financial difficulties, he was forced to give that up to support his family. Since he now is the primary financial earner for his family, Juan has not been able to do the activities he once enjoyed, such as soccer. Juan has always had a strong desire to please his parents and places a large amount of pressure on himself to be the best. Juan is currently having difficulty sleeping, which he attributes to living in a home with a lot of people and without privacy. Juan also has a loss of appetite but says that is because he does not have the money to buy enough to eat. Juan has friends but they are back home and he keeps in touch with them on an app. Juan does not have thoughts of hurting or killing himself. Juan has been experiencing symptoms of anxiety from increased worrying and feels that there is a lot of pressure on him from his family to succeed. When coping with disappointments in the past, Juan would talk to friends and family but here in the United States he doesn’t have anyone in which he can confide.