Summary: | This Test Guideline describes the Medaka Extended One Generation Test (MEOGRT), which exposes fish over multiple generations to give data relevant to ecological hazard and risk assessment of chemicals, including suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Exposure in the MEOGRT starts with spawning fish (P or F0 generation) and continues until hatching (until two weeks post fertilization, wpf) in the second (F2) generation. This Test Guideline measures several biological endpoints. Primary emphasis is given to potential adverse effects on population relevant parameters including survival, gross development, growth and reproduction (fecundity). Secondarily, in order to provide mechanistic information and provide linkage between results from other kinds of field and laboratory studies, where there is a posteriori evidence for a chemical having potential endocrine disrupter activity (e.g. androgenic or oestrogenic activity in other tests and assays) then other useful information is obtained by measuring vitellogenin (vtg) mRNA (or vitellogenin protein, VTG), phenotypic secondary sex characteristics (SSC) as related to genetic sex, and evaluating histopathology.