Summary: | Hace ms de 500 aos, en unas circunstancias totalmente diferentes, Maquiavelo redact EL Prncipe para describir la conducta que deba tener la autoridad con el objeto de sujetar el poder firmemente. Este libro va dirigido a los presidentes y, muy especialmente, a quienes deben elegirlo. Est concebido para una poca, la nuestra, en la que prevalece la democracia liberal y la que convencer es mucho ms importante que vencer. El presidente tiene tres partes, la primera parte (Presidentes) es una reflexin sobre las caractersticas que debe tener esa persona que tiene la responsabilidad de dirigir los destinos del pas y una descripcin de cmo son y cmo funcionan los Estados ms prsperos y felices del planeta. La segunda parte (Cmo se llega a la presidencia) es una incursin en la tcnica electoral y la tercera parte, (Cmo se es un buen presidente) ofrece consejos, sugerencias y observaciones. Desde cmo y por qu elegir a los miembros del gabinete, hasta lecciones elementales de economa poltica. Tambin incluye una advertencia contra los enemigos permanentes del buen gobierno: la corrupcin y las supersticiones marxistas y populistas - Carlos Alberto Montaner ha escrito 30 libros y miles de artculos. Es analista poltico de CNN en espaol.- La revista Foreign Policy lo ha calificado como uno de los 50 comunicadores ms influyentes de la lengua espaola. - Un libro dirigido a los interesados en la poltica y la situacin actual. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION More than 500 years ago, in totally different circumstances, Machiavelli wrote The Prince to describe the ways that authority figures should behave with the objective of firmly grasping power.This book is directed to presidents, and especially to those who must elect them. It is conceived of for a time--ours--in which liberal democracy prevails and in which it is much more important to convince than to defeat. The President has three parts: the first part ("Presidents") is a reflection about the characteristics that the person responsible for directing the country's destiny should have, and a description of what the most prosperous, happiest states on the planet are like and how they work. The second part ("How one gets to the presidency") is an investigation into the electoral process, and the third part ("What a good president is like") offers advice, suggestions, and observations, from how and why to choose cabinet members to basic political economy lessons. It also includes a warning about the enemies of good government: corruption, and Marxist and populist superstitions. - Carlos Alberto Montaner has written 30 books and thousands of articles, and is a CNN en espaol analyst. - Foreign Policy magazine has rated him one of the 50 most influential communicators in Spanish. - A book directed at those interested in politics and the current situation.