Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Paving the way for translation and gender / Julia T. Williams Camus, Cristina Gómez Castro, Alexandra Assis Rosa & Carmen Camus Camus
  • Gender and translation studies : a bibliometric approach / Javier Franco Aixelá
  • Muted English novelists : researching women, translation and censorship in Spain / Gora Zaragoza Ninet
  • Transfeminine identity and HIV/AIDS in audiovisual translation Dallas Buyers Club and its Italian subtitled versions / Margherita Dore & Ilaria Zarrelli
  • Memory and self-narration in Sarah Polley's away from her / Andrea Ruthven
  • A moderate invective against women : "Epistle II : To a Lady (of the characters of women)" by Alexander Pope and its translation into Spanish / Ángeles García Calderón
  • Blind love at stake : Hernández Catá's (Re-)creation of a hero / Paloma Tejada Caller
  • Using corpus tools to analyse the rendering of Joseph Conrad's women in heart of darkness into four Spanish translations / Paloma Pizarro Seijas.