Beginning C++ game programming learn C++ from scratch and get started building your very own games
Learn C++ from scratch and get started building your very own games About This Book This book offers a fun way to learn modern C++ programming while building exciting 2D games This beginner-friendly guide offers a fast-paced but engaging approach to game development Dive headfirst into building a wi...
Otros Autores: | |
Formato: | Libro electrónico |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Publicado: |
Birmingham, England :
Packt Publishing
Edición: | 1st edition |
Colección: | Community experience distilled.
Materias: | |
Ver en Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull: | |
Tabla de Contenidos:
- Cover
- Credits
- About the Author
- Copyright
- About the Reviewer
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Chapter 1: C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game
- The games
- Timber!!!
- Zombie Arena
- Thomas was Late
- Meet C++
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Setting up the development environment
- What about Mac and Linux?
- Installing Visual Studio Express 2015 on your desktop
- Setting up SFML
- Creating a reusable project template
- Planning Timber!!!
- Creating a project from the template
- Project assets
- Outsourcing assets
- Making your own sound FX
- Adding assets to the project
- Exploring assets
- Understanding screen and internal coordinates
- Starting to code the game
- Making code clearer with comments
- #including Windows essentials
- The main function
- Presentation and syntax
- Returning values from a function
- Running the game
- Opening a window using SFML
- #including SFML features
- OOP, classes, objects
- Using namespace sf
- SFML VideoMode and RenderWindow
- Running the game
- The main game loop
- While loops
- C-style code comments
- Input, update, draw, repeat
- Detecting a key press
- Clearing and drawing the scene
- Running the game
- Drawing the game background
- Preparing the sprite using a texture
- Double-buffering the background sprite
- Running the game
- Handling errors
- Configuration errors
- Compile errors
- Link errors
- Bugs
- Summary
- Chapter 2: Variables, Operators, and Decisions - Animating Sprites
- C++ variables
- Types of variable
- Constants
- User-defined types
- Declaring and initializing variables
- Declaring variables
- Initializing variables
- Declaring and initializing in one step
- Declaring and initializing user-defined types
- Manipulating variables.
- C++ arithmetic and assignment operators
- Getting things done with expressions
- Adding clouds, a tree, and a buzzing bee
- Preparing the tree
- Preparing the bee
- Preparing the clouds
- Drawing the tree, the bee, and the clouds
- Random numbers
- Generating random numbers in C++
- Making decisions with if and else
- Logical operators
- C++ if and else
- If they come over the bridge, shoot them!
- Or do this instead
- Reader challenge
- Timing
- The frame-rate problem
- The SFML frame-rate solution
- Moving the clouds and the bee
- Giving life to the bee
- Blowing the clouds
- Summary
- Chapter 3: C++ Strings, SFML Time, Player Input, and HUD
- Pausing and restarting the game
- C++ strings
- Declaring strings
- Assigning a value to strings
- Manipulating strings
- SFML Text and Font
- Adding a score and a message
- Adding a time bar
- Summary
- Chapter 4: Loops, Arrays, Switch, Enumerations, and Functions - Implementing Game Mechanics
- Loops
- while loops
- Breaking out of a while loop
- for loops
- Arrays
- Declaring an array
- Initializing the elements of an array
- Quickly initializing the elements of an array
- So what do these arrays really do for our games?
- Making decisions with switch
- Class enumerations
- Getting started with functions
- Function return types
- Function names
- Function parameters
- The function body
- Function prototypes
- Organizing functions
- Function gotcha!
- Final word on functions - for now
- Absolute final word on functions - for now
- Growing the branches
- Preparing the branches
- Updating the branch sprites each frame
- Drawing the branches
- Moving the branches
- Summary
- Chapter 5: Collisions, Sound, and End Conditions - Making the Game Playable
- Preparing the player (and other sprites).
- Drawing the player and other sprites
- Handling the player's input
- Handling setting up a new game
- Detecting the player chopping
- Detecting a key being released
- Animating the chopped logs and the ax
- Handling death
- Simple sound FX
- How SFML sound works?
- When to play the sounds
- Adding the sound code
- Improving the game and the code
- Summary
- Chapter 6: Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views
- Planning and starting the Zombie Arena game
- Creating a project from the template
- The project assets
- Exploring the assets
- Adding the assets to the project
- What is OOP?
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Why do it like this?
- What is a class?
- The class variable and function declarations
- The class function definitions
- Using an instance of a class
- Constructors and getter functions
- Jumping around in the code
- Building the Player-the first class
- Coding the Player class header file
- Coding the Player class function definitions
- Controlling the game camera with SFML View
- Starting the Zombie Arena game engine
- Managing the code files
- Starting coding the main game loop
- Summary
- Chapter 7: C++ References, Sprite Sheets, and Vertex Arrays
- C++ References
- References summary
- SFML vertex arrays and sprite sheets
- What is a sprite sheet?
- What is a vertex array?
- Building a background from tiles
- Building a vertex array
- Using the vertex array to draw
- Creating a randomly generated scrolling background
- Using the background
- Summary
- Chapter 8: Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management
- Pointers
- Pointer syntax
- Declaring a pointer
- Initializing a pointer
- Reinitializing pointers
- Dereferencing a pointer
- Pointers are versatile and powerful
- Dynamically allocated memory.
- Passing a pointer to a function
- Declaring and using a pointer to an object
- Pointers and arrays
- Summary of pointers
- The Standard Template Library
- What is a Map
- Declaring a Map
- Adding data to a Map
- Finding data in a Map
- Removing data from a Map
- Checking the size of a Map
- Checking for keys in a Map
- Looping/iterating through the key-value pairs of a Map
- The auto keyword
- STL summary
- The TextureHolder Class
- Coding the TextureHolder header file
- Coding the TextureHolder function definitions
- What exactly have we achieved with TextureHolder?
- Building a horde of zombies
- Coding the Zombie.h file
- Coding the Zombie.cpp file
- Using the Zombie class to create a horde
- Bringing the horde to life (back to life)
- Using the TextureHolder class for all textures
- Change the way the background gets its textures
- Change the way Player gets its texture
- Summary
- Chapter 9: Collision Detection, Pickups, and Bullets
- Coding the Bullet class
- Coding the Bullet header file
- Coding the Bullet source file
- Making the bullets fly
- Including the Bullet class
- Control variables and the bullet array
- Reloading the gun
- Shooting a bullet
- Updating the bullets each frame
- Drawing the bullets each frame
- Giving the player a crosshair
- Coding a class for pickups
- Coding the Pickup header file
- Coding the Pickup class function definitions
- Using the Pickup class
- Detecting collisions
- Has a zombie been shot?
- Has the player been touched by a zombie?
- Has the player touched a pickup?
- Summary
- Chapter 10: Layering Views and Implementing the HUD
- Adding all the Text and HUD objects
- Updating the HUD each frame
- Drawing the HUD, and the home and level up screens
- Summary
- Chapter 11: Sound Effects, File I/O, and Finishing the Game.
- Saving and loading the high-score
- Preparing sound effects
- Leveling up
- Restarting the game
- Playing the rest of the sounds
- Adding sound effects while the player is reloading
- Make a shooting sound
- Play a sound when the player is hit
- Play a sound when getting a pickup
- Make a splat sound when a zombie is shot
- Summary
- Chapter 12: Abstraction and Code Management - Making Better Use of OOP
- The Thomas Was Late game
- Features of Thomas Was Late
- Creating a project from the template
- The project assets
- Game level designs
- GLSL Shaders
- The graphical assets close-up
- The sound assets close-up
- Adding the assets to the project
- Structuring the Thomas Was Late code
- Building the game engine
- Reusing the TextureHolder class
- Coding Engine.h
- Coding Engine.cpp
- Coding the Engine class constructor definition
- Coding the run function definition
- Coding the input function definition
- Coding the update function definition
- Coding the draw function definition
- The Engine class so far
- Coding the main function
- Summary
- Chapter 13: Advanced OOP - Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Extending a class
- Polymorphism
- Abstract classes - virtual and pure virtual functions
- Building the PlayableCharacter class
- Coding PlayableCharacter.h
- Coding PlayableCharacter.cpp
- Building the Thomas and Bob classes
- Coding Thomas.h
- Coding Thomas.cpp
- Coding Bob.h
- Coding Bob.cpp
- Updating the game engine to use Thomas and Bob
- Updating Engine.h to add an instance of Bob and Thomas
- Updating the input function to control Thomas and Bob
- Updating the update function to spawn and update the PlayableCharacter instances
- Spawning Thomas and Bob
- Updating Thomas and Bob each frame
- Drawing Bob and Thomas
- Summary.
- Chapter 14: Building Playable Levels and Collision Detection.