Multifunctional agriculture achieiving sustainable development in Africa
In a world increasingly challenged by the need to integrate and understand highly specialized knowledge in a multidisciplinary way, this book is innovative and perhaps unique in addressing this challenge. It focuses on ideas, strategies, techniques and practices spanning many disciplines at the int...
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Formato: | Libro electrónico |
Idioma: | Inglés |
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London, England :
Academic Press
Edición: | 1st edition |
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Ver en Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull: | |
Tabla de Contenidos:
- Front Cover
- Multifunctional Agriculture
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Biography
- Preface
- I. The Basics
- 1 Agroecology and the Role of Trees
- 1 Definition of Agroforestry Revisited
- 2 The Role of Trees in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics
- Summary
- Introduction
- Understanding the Problem Before Seeking Solutions
- Addressing Soil Fertility
- Biodiversity and Agroecological Functions
- Rebuilding Agroecological Functions
- Maintaining Late Successional or Mature Agroecosystems
- Shade Modification
- Bird Exclusion
- Food Chain and Life Cycle Studies
- Filling the Niches Below the Canopy With Useful Plants
- Landscape and Scaling Issues
- The Big Picture: The Role of Agroecology and Agroforestry in Tropical Agriculture
- 3 Trees: A Keystone Role in Agroecosystem Function: An Update
- 2 Agroforestry Practices and Systems
- 4 Agroforestry and the Mitigation of Land Degradation in the Humid and Sub-Humid Tropics of Africa
- Summary
- Land Degradation
- The Role of Agroforestry
- Soil Fertility Improvement
- Hedgerow Intercropping
- Improved Fallows
- Biomass Transfer
- Soil Conservation
- Barrier Hedges
- Trees and Shrubs on Conservation Structures
- Multistrata Systems
- Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs as Fodder Supplements
- Feed Quality
- Effects on Animal Performance
- Fodder Production Systems
- High-Value Trees for Income Generation
- Naturally Regenerating Trees in Farmland
- Planted Trees in Farmland
- Home Gardens
- Domestication
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- 5 The Domestication and Commercialization of Indigenous Trees in Agroforestry for the Alleviation of Poverty
- Introduction
- Domestication Strategies
- Research in Progress
- Commercialization
- Conclusion
- 6 Trees: Delivering Enhanced Crop Production and Income: An Update.
- 3 Importance of Tree Products
- 7 Potential for Novel Food Products From Agroforestry Trees
- Introduction
- Humid Lowlands of West Africa
- Irvingia gabonensis (O'Rorke) Baill. and Related Species (Bush Mango or Dika Nut)
- Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H.J. Lam and Related Species (African Plum, African Pear, or Safoutier)
- Ricinodendron heudelottii (Baill.) Heckel (Peanut Tree, Essessang, or Nyangsang)
- Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don (White or African Star-apple)
- Garcinia kola Heckel and Related Species (Bitter Cola)
- Semi-Arid Lowlands of West Africa
- Adansonia digitata Linn. (Baobab)
- Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn. syn. Butyrospermum paradoxum (Sheanut or Karité)
- Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don (Néré or Locust Bean)
- Tamarindus indica Linn. (Tamarind)
- Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. (Jujube or Ber)
- Southern African Plateau-Miombo Woodlands
- Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) Hochst. (Marula)
- Uapaca kirkiana Muell. Arg. (Masuku or Mahobohobo)
- Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. (Jujube or Ber)
- Vangueria infausta Burch. (Wild Medlar)
- Azanza garckeana (F. Hoffm.) Exell & Hillcoat (Snotapple)
- Western Amazonia
- Inga edulis Mart. (Inga or Guaba)
- Bactris gasipaes H.B.K. (Peach Palm or Pejibaye)
- Conclusions
- 8 Evidence that Subsistence Farmers have Domesticated Indigenous Fruits (Dacryodes edulis and Irvingia gabonensis) in Camer...
- Summary
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- D. edulis (293 trees)
- I. gabonensis (152 trees)
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- 9 Non-Timber Forest Products - A Misnomer?
- 10 Trees: An Important Source of Food and Non-Food Products for Farmers: An Update
- II. Genetic Selection for Added-Value and New Opportunities
- 4 Tree Domestication
- 11 Domestication of Forest Trees: A Process to Secure the Productivity and Future Diversity of Tropical Ecosystems.
- Summary
- Introduction
- Exploitation of Natural Forest and the Needs of the Future
- Domestication of Underutilized Timber Species
- Experience with Triplochiton scleroxylon
- Experience with other timber producing species
- Domestication of Species for Fruit and Other Forest Products
- Plantations in the Tropics
- Acknowledgments
- 12 Tree Domestication in Tropical Agroforestry
- Summary
- Introduction
- Origins and Concepts of Domestication
- Objectives of Tree Domestication
- Selection of Tree Species
- Tree Domestication Strategies
- Germplasm Sourcing, Documentation, and Deployment
- Tree Improvement Research
- Participatory Domestication
- Case Studies
- Prunus africana
- Dacryodes edulis
- Recommendations: Future Developments
- 13 Agroforestry Tree Products (AFTPs): Targeting Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Livelihoods
- Summary
- Introduction
- Trees
- The Origins of Tropical Tree Domestication
- The Participatory Tree Domestication Approach-the Case of West and Central Africa
- Identification, Capture, Retention, and Protection of Genetic Diversity
- Cultivation and the Growth of Cultivars
- Markets
- Economic and Social Benefits from Trading AFTPs
- The Linkages between the Domestication and Commercialization of AFTPs.
- Winners and Losers: Impacts on Livelihoods
- Features of this Agroforestry Approach to Rural Development
- Policy Guidelines
- Development Issues for the Future
- 14 Tree Domestication in Agroforestry: Progress in the Second Decade (2003-2012)
- Summary
- Introduction
- The First Decade (1992-2002)
- The Second Decade (2003-12)
- The Humid Lowlands of West and Central Africa
- The Drylands of the Sahel
- Woody Savannah of Southern Africa
- East Africa
- Latin America
- Asia
- Oceania
- Recent Developments in Agroforestry Tree Improvement
- Molecular Genetics.
- The Use of New Technologies
- Community Engagement in Germplasm Production
- Recognition of the Rights of Small-Scale Producers
- Negotiation of Access to Markets
- Adoption and Impact: Toward Enhanced Farmer Livelihoods and Global Environmental Benefits
- Public/Private Partnerships: Localization and the Case of Allanblackia spp.
- Toward the Third Decade
- 15 Trees: Capturing Useful Traits in Elite Cultivars: An Update
- III. Research Methods
- 5 Strategy and Techniques
- 5.1 Strategy
- 16 Towards a Domestication Strategy for Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics
- Introduction
- Developing a Strategy for Creating New "Cultivars" Vegetatively
- Methods of Propagation and the Cloning Process
- Appropriate Technology
- Choice Between Mature and Juvenile Tissues
- The Use of Juvenile Tissues
- The Use of Mature Tissues
- Developing a Strategy for Clonal Selection
- Opportunities for Introducing New Variation
- The Wise Use of Genetic Variability
- Establishing a Gene Bank (Ex situ Conservation)
- The Wise Utilization of Genetic Resources in Cultivation (Circa situ Conservation)
- Protecting Some Wild Populations (In situ Conservation)
- Socioeconomic and Environmental Context for This Strategy
- Conclusions
- 5.2 Techniques: Vegetative Propagation
- 17 Low-Technology Techniques for the Vegetative Propagation of Tropical Trees
- Summary
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- General
- Preparation of Cuttings
- The Nonmist Propagator
- Results
- The Propagator Environment
- Rooting Tests
- Discussion
- 18 Stockplant Factors Affecting Root Initiation in Cuttings of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum., an Indigenous Hardwood o...
- Summary
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Experimental and Results
- Effects of Node Position
- Effects of Stockplant Orientation
- Effects of Different Pruning Regimes.
- Effects of Applying Nutrients
- Effects of the Numbers and Positions of Shoots on Stockplants
- Effects of Light Environment
- Discussion
- Acknowledgements
- 19 The Rooting Ability of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum. Cuttings: The Interactions Between Stockplant Irradiance, Ligh...
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Effects of Two Light Qualities With Uniform Irradiance
- Effects of Irradiance and Nutrients at a R:FR Ratio of 6.3
- Results
- Effects of Three Levels of Irradiance With Constant Light Quality
- Effects of Two Light Qualities With Uniform Irradiance
- Effects of Irradiance and Nutrients: at an R:FR Ratio of 6.3
- The Light Environment of a Stockplant Canopy
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- 20 Plant Cloning: Macro-Propagation
- Introduction
- The Use of Macropropagation
- Techniques of Macropropagation
- Grafting and Budding
- Marcotting or Air Layering
- Stem Cuttings
- The Propagation Environment
- Postseverance Treatments
- Auxin Applications
- Leaf Area
- Cutting Length
- Stockplant Factors: Cutting Origin and Environment
- Within-Shoot Factors
- Between Shoot Factors
- Stockplant Environment
- Stockplant Management
- Phase Change
- Genetic Variation in Rooting Ability
- Conclusions
- Courses
- Relevant Websites
- 5.3 Techniques: Genetic Characterization
- 21 Quantitative Descriptors of Variation in the Fruits and Seeds of Irvingia gabonensis
- Introduction
- Methods and Materials
- Results
- Sample Size
- Fruit Weight and Size
- Nut Weight and Size
- Kernel Weight and Size
- Shell Weight
- Fruit Flesh Depth
- Relationships Between Fruit, Nut, and Kernel Traits
- Fruit Taste, Color, and Fibrosity
- Multitrait Assessment
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments.
- 22 Domestication Potential of Marula (Sclerocarya birrea subsp caffra) in South Africa and Namibia: 1. Phenotypic Variation...