Essential C♯ 4.0
Essential C# 4.0 is a well-organized,“no-fluff” guide to all versions of C# for programmers at all levels of C# experience. This fully updated edition shows how to make the most of C# 4.0’s new features and programming patterns to write code that is simple, yet powerful. This edition contains two n...
Otros Autores: | |
Formato: | Libro electrónico |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Publicado: |
[Place of publication not identified]
Addison Wesley
Edición: | 3rd edition |
Materias: | |
Ver en Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull: | |
Tabla de Contenidos:
- Cover
- Contents
- Contents of C# 4.0 Topics
- Figures
- Tables
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- 1 Introducing C#
- Hello, World
- Compiling and Running the Application
- C# Syntax Fundamentals
- Type Definition
- Main
- Statements and Statement Delimiters
- Whitespace
- Working with Variables
- Data Types
- Declaring a Variable
- Assigning a Variable
- Using a Variable
- Console Input and Output
- Getting Input from the Console
- Writing Output to the Console
- Comments
- Managed Execution and the Common Language Infrastructure
- C# and .NET Versioning
- Common Intermediate Language and ILDASM
- Summary
- 2 Data Types
- Fundamental Numeric Types
- Integer Types
- Floating-Point Types (float, double)
- Decimal Type
- Literal Values
- More Fundamental Types
- Boolean Type (bool)
- Character Type (char)
- Strings
- null and void
- null
- The void Nontype
- Categories of Types
- Value Types
- Reference Types
- Nullable Modifier
- Conversions between Data Types
- Explicit Cast
- Implicit Conversion
- Type Conversion without Casting
- Arrays
- Declaring an Array
- Instantiating and Assigning Arrays
- Using an Array
- Strings as Arrays
- Common Errors
- Summary
- 3 Operators and Control Flow
- Operators
- Plus and Minus Unary Operators (+, -)
- Arithmetic Binary Operators (+, -, *, /, %)
- Parenthesis Operator
- Assignment Operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
- Increment and Decrement Operators (++,
- )
- Constant Expressions (const)
- Introducing Flow Control
- if Statement
- Nested if
- Code Blocks ({})
- Scope and Declaration Space
- Boolean Expressions
- Relational and Equality Operators
- Logical Boolean Operators
- Logical Negation Operator (!)
- Conditional Operator (?)
- Null Coalescing Operator (??)
- Bitwise Operators (>, |, &, ^, ~).
- Shift Operators (>, >=)
- Bitwise Operators (&, |, ^)
- Bitwise Assignment Operators (&=, |=, ^=)
- Bitwise Complement Operator (~)
- Control Flow Statements, Continued
- The while and do/while Loops
- The for Loop
- The foreach Loop
- The switch Statement
- Jump Statements
- The break Statement
- The continue Statement
- The goto Statement
- C# Preprocessor Directives
- Excluding and Including Code (#if, #elif, #else, #endif)
- Defining Preprocessor Symbols (#define, #undef)
- Emitting Errors and Warnings (#error, #warning)
- Turning Off Warning Messages (#pragma)
- nowarn: Option
- Specifying Line Numbers (#line)
- Hints for Visual Editors (#region, #endregion)
- Summary
- 4 Methods and Parameters
- Calling a Method
- Namespace
- Type Name
- Scope
- Method Name
- Parameters
- Method Return
- Statement versus Method Call
- Declaring a Method
- Parameter Declaration
- Method Return Declaration
- The using Directive
- Aliasing
- Returns and Parameters on Main()
- Parameters
- Value Parameters
- Reference Parameters (ref)
- Output Parameters (out)
- Parameter Arrays (params)
- Recursion
- Method Overloading
- Optional Parameters
- Basic Error Handling with Exceptions
- Trapping Errors
- Reporting Errors Using a throw Statement
- Summary
- 5 Classes
- Declaring and Instantiating a Class
- Instance Fields
- Declaring an Instance Field
- Accessing an Instance Field
- Instance Methods
- Using the this Keyword
- Access Modifiers
- Properties
- Declaring a Property
- Automatically Implemented Properties
- Naming Conventions
- Using Properties with Validation
- Read-Only and Write-Only Properties
- Access Modifiers on Getters and Setters
- Properties as Virtual Fields
- Properties and Method Calls Not Allowed as ref or out Parameter Values
- Constructors.
- Declaring a Constructor
- Default Constructors
- Object Initializers
- Overloading Constructors
- Constructor Chaining: Calling another Constructor Using this
- Static Members
- Static Fields
- Static Methods
- Static Constructors
- Static Properties
- Static Classes
- Extension Methods
- Encapsulating the Data
- const
- readonly
- Nested Classes
- Partial Classes
- Defining a Partial Class
- Partial Methods
- Summary
- 6 Inheritance
- Derivation
- Casting between Base and Derived Types
- private Access Modifier
- protected Access Modifier
- Extension Methods
- Single Inheritance
- Sealed Classes
- Overriding the Base Class
- virtual Modifier
- new Modifier
- sealed Modifier
- base Member
- Constructors
- Abstract Classes
- All Classes Derive from System.Object
- Verifying the Underlying Type with the is Operator
- Conversion Using the as Operator
- Summary
- 7 Interfaces
- Introducing Interfaces
- Polymorphism through Interfaces
- Interface Implementation
- Explicit Member Implementation
- Implicit Member Implementation
- Explicit versus Implicit Interface Implementation
- Converting between the Implementing Class and Its Interfaces
- Interface Inheritance
- Multiple Interface Inheritance
- Extension Methods on Interfaces
- Implementing Multiple Inheritance via Interfaces
- Versioning
- Interfaces Compared with Classes
- Summary
- 8 Value Types
- Structs
- Initializing structs
- Using the default Operator
- Inheritance and Interfaces with Value Types
- Boxing
- Enums
- Type Compatibility between Enums
- Converting between Enums and Strings
- Enums as Flags
- Summary
- 9 Well-Formed Types
- Overriding object Members
- Overriding ToString()
- Overriding GetHashCode()
- Overriding Equals()
- Guidelines for Implementing Equality
- Operator Overloading.
- Comparison Operators (==, !=, , =)
- Binary Operators (+, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, >)
- Combining Assignment with Binary Operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=...)
- Conditional Logical Operators (&&, ||)
- Unary Operators (+, -, !, ~, ++,
- , true, false)
- Conversion Operators
- Guidelines for Conversion Operators
- Referencing Other Assemblies
- Changing the Assembly Target
- Referencing an Assembly
- Encapsulation of Types
- Defining Namespaces
- Namespace Alias Qualifier
- XML Comments
- Associating XML Comments with Programming Constructs
- Generating an XML Documentation File
- Garbage Collection
- Weak References
- Resource Cleanup
- Finalizers
- Deterministic Finalization with the using Statement
- Garbage Collection and Finalization
- Resource Utilization and Finalization Guidelines
- Lazy Initialization
- Summary
- 10 Exception Handling
- Multiple Exception Types
- Catching Exceptions
- General Catch Block
- Guidelines for Exception Handling
- Defining Custom Exceptions
- Summary
- 11 Generics
- C# without Generics
- Introducing Generic Types
- Using a Generic Class
- Defining a Simple Generic Class
- Benefits of Generics
- Type Parameter Naming Guidelines
- Generic Interfaces and Structs
- Defining a Constructor and a Finalizer
- Specifying a Default Value
- Multiple Type Parameters
- Arity in Abundance
- Nested Generic Types
- Constraints
- Interface Constraints
- Base Class Constraints
- struct/class Constraints
- Multiple Constraints
- Constructor Constraints
- Constraint Inheritance
- Generic Methods
- Type Inferencing
- Specifying Constraints
- Covariance and Contravariance
- Enabling Covariance with the out Type Parameter Modifier in C# 4.0
- Enabling Contravariance with the in Type Parameter Modifier in C# 4.0.
- Support for Parameter Covariance and Contravariance in Arrays
- Generic Internals
- Instantiating Generics Based on Value Types
- Instantiating Generics Based on Reference Types
- Summary
- 12 Delegates and Lambda Expressions
- Introducing Delegates
- Defining the Scenario
- Delegate Data Types
- Delegate Internals
- Defining a Delegate Type
- Instantiating a Delegate
- Anonymous Methods
- System-Defined Delegates: Func
- Lambda Expressions
- Statement Lambdas
- Expression Lambdas
- Outer Variables
- Expression Trees
- Summary
- 13 Events
- Coding the Observer Pattern with Multicast Delegates
- Defining Subscriber Methods
- Defining the Publisher
- Hooking Up the Publisher and Subscribers
- Invoking a Delegate
- Check for null
- Delegate Operators
- Sequential Invocation
- Error Handling
- Method Returns and Pass-by-Reference
- Events
- Why Events?
- Declaring an Event
- Coding Conventions
- Generics and Delegates
- Customizing the Event Implementation
- Summary
- 14 Collection Interfaces with Standard Query Operators
- Anonymous Types and Implicitly Typed Local Variables
- Anonymous Types
- Implicitly Typed Local Variables (var)
- More about Anonymous Types and Implicit Local Variables
- Collection Initializers
- What Makes a Class a Collection: I Enumerable
- foreach with Arrays
- foreach with I Enumerable
- Do Not Modify Collections during foreach Iteration
- Standard Query Operators
- Filtering with Where()
- Projecting with Select()
- Counting Elements with Count()
- Deferred Execution
- Sorting with OrderBy() and ThenBy()
- Performing an Inner Join with Join()
- Grouping Results with GroupBy()
- Implementing a One-to-Many Relationship with GroupJoin()
- Calling SelectMany()
- More Standard Query Operators
- Summary
- 15 LINQ with Query Expressions.
- Introducing Query Expressions.