Summary: | Everything you must know to optimize your search ads, increase your profits, and help customers find exactly what they’re searching for • The truth about the search tax • The truth about competitive and network click fraud • The truth about testing and expansion The Truth About Pay-Per-Click Search Advertising is a valuable resource for Internet marketers at both the tactical and strategic level regardless of company size. While PPC search engine advertising in Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other engines looks easy, competing successfully against competitors in a real-time auction for consumer's attention, clicks and dollars is no simple task. There are two kinds of PPC search marketers at the top of the paid placement results: brilliant marketers and irrational clueless amateurs. This book is designed to make sure that the reader becomes one of the brilliant marketers and learns how outmaneuver the competition. This book arms the reader with proven tactics and strategies that ensure success. This book provides concrete, easy-to-grasp concepts, strategies, and tactics designed for both the hands-on search marketer as well as the supervisor focused on strategy. However, a basic understanding of some key search marketing and Internet marketing fundamentals will be helpful, though not essential, to the reader. To empower readers of all levels, the book contains a basic glossary of often-used terms (CPC, CPM, MaxBid, SERP) to ensure accessibility to all readers. Conversely, even the most seasoned paid search marketing professional will learn a great deal from this book. To win in today's SEM PPC auctions and to continue to thrive, marketers need to figure out how to allocate budgets effectively and efficiently. The future of their business may depend on a good understanding of paid search and auction-based keyword-targeted media.