Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Matter; Acknowledgments; Contents; Summary; 1 Introduction; 2 Legal Definitions and Context; 3 Data from Law Enforcement Agencies; 4 National Crime Victimization Survey; 5 Selected Other Surveys on Rape and Sexual Assault; 6 Comparison of Rape and Sexual Assault Across Data Sources; 7 Potential Sources of Error in the NCVS: Sampling, Frame, and Processing; 8 Potential Sources of Error: Nonresponse, Specification, and Measurement; 9 Synopsis of Potential Errors in the National Crime Victimization Survey; 10 New Directions for Measuring Rape and Sexual Assault; References
  • Appendix A: Need for the Study Appendix B: Workshop and Public Meetings: Agendas and Participants; Appendix C: Links to Questionnaires of the National Crime Victimization Survey; Appendix D: Selected Surveys Measuring Rape: An Overview; Appendix E: Statistical Rationale Behind Some Initial Findings on the Relative Statistical Plausibility of a Multiple-Frame Approach to Estimating the Victimization Rate of Rape and Sexual Assault; Appendix F: Biographical Sketches of Panel Members and Staff; Committee on National Statistics