Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Researching metaphor in the Ancient Near East : an introduction / Ludovico Portuese and Marta Pallavidini
  • The lion, the shepherd, and the master of animals : metaphorical interactions and governance representations in Mesopotamian and Levantine sources / Stéphanie Anthonioz
  • To serve woman : Jezebel, Anat, and the metaphor of women as food / Esther Brownsmith
  • Visualizing 'death' (Môtu) in the Ugaritic texts / Joseph Lam
  • Aššur is King! : The metaphorical implications of embodiment, personification, and transference in ancient Assyria / Davide Nadali
  • How did they think? : towards use of metaphor theories to research the Hittite conceptual world
  • Cows of battle, urinating lions, and frightened falcons : on metaphor in Sumerian literary compositions / Judith Pfitzner
  • Live and let live images : metaphor and interpictoriality in neo-Assyrian art / Ludovico Portuese
  • The significance of the embrace metaphor in the inscription KARKAMIŠ A 21 / Claudia Posani
  • Metaphors and conceptual metaphors in the Mesopotamian medical texts / Silvia Salin
  • Metaphor for the construction of spontaneous meaning : examples gathered from the rural landscape in Sumerian literature / Nelson Henrique da Silva Ferreira
  • "Squeezing" like oil from a sesame seed : on the conceptual background of metaphoric expressions in Akkadian diplomatic texts originating from Ḫatti / Lisa Wilhelmi.