Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Lower limb motor function and hip muscle weakness in stroke survivors and their relationship with pelvic tilt, weight-bearing asymmetry, and gait speed: A cross-sectional study
  • Complications of therapeutic plasma exchange in patients with neurological disorders
  • Validation of Persian Individualized Neuromuscular Quality of Life in patients with muscular dystrophies
  • Language development in Iranian children with epilepsy
  • Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms rs12722489 and multiple sclerosis in Iranian patients with multiple sclerosis
  • Recognition of emotions expressed on the face impairments in Parkinson's disease
  • The relationship between problem-solving ability and fatigue severity in people with multiple sclerosis
  • Pain as the first manifestation of an acute ischemic parietal stroke: A case report
  • 5A Syndrome
  • Early cerebral vasculitic infarcts in acute pneumococcal meningitis.